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THALES is a water strategy and finance advisor that draws upon an

established network of trusted collaborators recognized in the industry for their strategic, operational, financial

and technical leadership and expertise.


Chibby Alloway | Thales Water Advisors LLC


Industry Executive


Chibby is an Industry Executive with 40+ years of diversified sector experience.  Chibby is a recognized technical consultant and strategist in the industry.  As a former Executive  Manager and Chief Technology Officer with companies that include Woodward & Curran, Veolia, USFitler, Wheelabrator EOS, and Synagro, Chibby has become an expert technologist whose knowledge extends to all areas of municipal/industrial waste and wastewater treatment and knows how to build and manage successful water-based service businesses.  Chibby has worked on various WEF committees for over 25 years.  He currently serves on the annual WEFTEC Technical Committee, Steering Committee and as the Facility Operations and Maintenance Symposium Chair

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